CyberPeace Corps is a coalition of citizens who to work collectively as volunteers, toward the common goal of creating a safer and peaceful cyberspace.
Crowdsourcing Research
Cyber Experts from the volunteering community connect with high-level research networks established in CyberPeace Centres of Excellence, fostering innovation in the field of cybersecurity.
Collaborate & Connect
CyberPeace Corps collaborate with academia, industry policymakers, and experts, to organize robust and impactful programs for strengthening cybersecurity capabilities in the communities.
Advocacy & Policy
CyberPeace Corps connect with think-tanks and policy influencers, to perform targeted actions directed at the decision makers, in support of safe and peaceful cyber space through policy papers, blogs, articles and discussions.
Serve the Society
Volunteers get the opportunity to work selflessly toward the noble cause of creating a safer and peaceful cyberspace, through collective action and shared resources.
About Us
CyberPeace Corps is envisioned to be a coalition of citizens, volunteers, experts and volunteers that become experts who come together as working groups for the cause of CyberPeace across the world.
The world needs it today for the internet to be peaceful, trustworthy and safe enough for its users.Unfortunately, various shortcomings in technology, law, awareness and international cooperation have been widening the gap altogether and there is no answer to the growing cyber threats to nations today. Collective resilience and action are somethings that are needed to originate from our communities in order to sustainably evolve and transition into netizens.

CyberPeace Corps is an initiative which is both community centric and community oriented. As the cyber space has become the next dimension of one’s life, it has become imperative to talk about and protect this space and individuals that practically lead their lives in it.