Cyber Peace Resource Center

Cyber Peace Resource Center

Cyber Peace Resource Center

About Cyber Peace Foundation
Cyber Peace Foundation (CPF) is an award-winning civil society organization, think tank of cyber security and policy experts with the vision of pioneering Cyber Peace Initiatives to build collective resiliency against cyber crimes & global threats of cyber warfare. Cyber Peace Foundation is involved in Policy Advocacy, Research and Training related to all aspects of Cyber Peace and Cyber Security. Key areas of Cyber Peace Foundation work are in Technology Governance, Policy Review and Advocacy, Capacity and Capability creation and building through partnerships with various government organizations, academic institutions and civil society entities.

About Cyber Peace Corps
Cyber Peace Corps is envisioned to be a coalition of citizens, volunteers, experts and volunteers that become experts who come together as working groups for the cause of cyber peace across the world. The world needs it today for the internet to be peaceful, trustworthy and safe enough for its users. Unfortunately, various shortcomings in technology, law, awareness and international cooperation have been widening the gap altogether and there is no answer to the growing cyber threats to nations today. Collective resilience and action are somethings that are needed to originate from our communities in order to sustainably evolve and transition into netizens.